Weddings, funerals, christenings, confirmations, anniversaries,
Christmas programs and bell-ringing celebrations––from
all over the world, the children of St. Pauli Church return to soak
up the plain beauty and soothing simplicity of their spiritual home.
We invite you to join in this happy pursuit, if only on these pages.
Back in 1895, when newly-arrived Norwegians were settling onto Minnesota
soil to stay, St. Pauli Church was founded. With help from members’
pledges and a $100 gift for lumber from their Ladies Aid, the church
held its first services in its present home in 1901. This prairie
house of worship has been home to succeeding generations of native
Norwegians and their friends, and it still thrives with a vital,
caring congregation.
Though there have been several updates and renovations since 1901,
the feel of the place still recalls the days when services were
exclusively in Norwegian. St. Pauli cherishes its heritage and lovingly
maintains its cemetery, a frequent destination for persons doing
research into their own family history.
You may feel free to take hold of this feeling of living history
and healthy change that St. Pauli has always stood for. Take hold
and stay awhile.