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Congregational Meeting Minutes: 1920-1929

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Norwegian Transcription

13 December 1920

The congregation held its annual meeting in the church on December 13 1920.

The meeting was opened by Pastor Grimsrud with hymn song and prayer. Thereafter he informed that there had been held twenty-two services during the past year and that a dozen families had joined the congregation, and that there were three who wished to be admitted; namely Mr. Martin Matheson and wife and Mrs. Bennie Odegaard. They were unanimously admitted.

The school committee reported that there had been held 2 months of religion school in the western and 1 month in the eastern school house and that the Ladies Aid had paid for the same.

Thereafter was decided to hold two months of school in the church and as school committee were elected Ole Valsvik, O. Odegaard and Nils Nilson.

The building committee reported that there now was a basement under the church and that other repairs had been performed, and as the invoice not was complete, there were elected two auditors, namely Paul Borgie and Tobias Stene who would report later.

The cemetery committee reported that the county had built a bridge by the cemetery, and also there was decided to have a day for the ornamentation of graves.

Thereafter the following was elected as trustee for three years: K. Finstad, secretary 1 year O. Odegaard; treasurer one year, C. Oien; lignings committee Ole Valsvik, P. Borgie and L. Netteland. Building committee the same as before, and sexton J. Torstveit and salary for the same sixteen dollars for one year.

As delegates to the district meeting were elected Lars Netteland and H. Johnson and as substitutes A. Odegaard and K. Finstad. As responsible for the cemetery was elected B. Odegaard.

Thereafter the report of the treasurer was read but was shelved because it was not complete.

Proposed and supported to allow $400.00 to the expenses of the congregation. It was proposed and supported that the congregation shall express its gratitude to the Ladies Aid and the youths’ club for the help they had proffered at the building of the basement and that the congregation likewise expresses its gratitude to Agnes Odegaard for the altar-cloth that she had donated to the congregation.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Ole Odegaard, secr.

12 December 1921

The congregation held its annual meeting in the church on December 12th, 1921.

The meeting was opened by Pastor Grimsrud with hymn song and prayer, then the report of the secretary was read and accepted and thereafter the report of the treasurer was read and accepted.

The school committee reported that they had had one and one-half months of school. T. Stene reported on behalf of the building committee that they had not done anything during the past year and that he wished that it should be dissolved. He also reported that the auditors accepted the report of the committee that was read.

Then the following officials were elected: as trustee for three years was elected John Kval, Secretary O. Odegaard one year; treasurer T. Stene one year.

The building committee was dissolved and C. Oien expressed his wish that the congregation should thank it for the work they had performed. As responsible for the cemetery was elected Bennie Odegaard and then it was decided to have a day for ornamentation of graves. The time was to be decided on later.

The lignings committee the same as before: Netteland, Borgie and Valsvik. As sexton the same as before Joe Torstveit.

Delegates to the district meetings: O. Peterson and Olaf Snetting; subst. Ed. Viken and K. Finstad.

It was proposed and supported to hold two months of religion school and that it should be held in the church.

Then was decided to allow two hundred dollars for the expenses of the congregation.
Thereafter was elected a committee of three to collect to the different cash accounts, namely Emil Thune, Carl Alberg and B. Odegaard.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

O. Odegaard, secr.

11 December 1922

St. Pauli congregation held its annual meeting in the church on Dec. 11, 1922.

The meeting was opened by Pastor Grimsrud with hymn song and prayer. Thereafter the report of the secretary was read and accepted.

And then the school committee reported that they had had a month of school. It was proposed and supported to request that the Ladies Aid should consider the matter of the religion school and if possible arrange for a term in the summer.

Thereafter the report of the treasurer was read and accepted. Then the following were elected: as secretary Olaf Snetting for one year, as treasurer Tobias Stene one year, as trustee Carl Alberg 3 years. As sexton the same as before Joe Torstveit. As lignings committee were elected: Ole Odegaard, Martin Mathson, Edward Vigen.

Then it was decided to allow four hundred dollars for the expenses of the congregation. Then a committee of three men was elected for the different accounts, namely: Ole Pederson, Emil Thune and Alfred Helgeson.

Then is was decided to have a day for ornamentation of graves. The time was to be decided on later.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

10 December 1923

St. Pauli congregation held its annual meeting in the church on Dec. 10, 1923.

The meeting was opened by Pastor Grimsrud with hymn song and prayer. Thereafter the report of the secretary was read and accepted and then was the report of the treasurer read and accepted. After that the following officials were elected: As secretary, O. J. Snetting one year. As treasurer T. Stene one year. As trustee Martin Mathson three years. As Lignings Committee the following were elected: Ole Odegaard, Paul Borgie, Ed Viken. As sexton the same as before Joe Torstveit.

Then was proposed and supported to elect a committee to discuss the matter of religion school with the Ladies Aid, namely Ole Odegaard, Ole Valsvig and Nels Nelson.

Then was elected a committee of three men to collect to the different accounts: namely Ole Pederson, Emil Thune and Ole Helgeson. After this it was decided to allow four hundred dollars for the expenses of the congregation.

Then it was proposed and supported to authorize the trustees to alter the loan and if possible to borrow the money at a lower interest.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr

7 July 1924

St. Pauli congregation held a special meeting in the church on July 7, 1924.

The meeting was opened by Pastor Grimsrud with hymn song and prayer. Then he informed about the reason for this meeting, namely to discuss what there ought to be done about the church building. It was proposed and supported that the secretary should look up the Storm and Fire Insurance policies.

Kermit Finstad said that the old Hamar Ladies Aid had one hundred dollars that they wanted to give to have the church interior repaired. Chairman Pastor Grimstad suggested that we should accept this offer with gratitude.

Then it was proposed and supported to paint the church twice and to put a handrail on the entrance stairs and put new panes of glass in the windows, where necessary, and to buy screens for the basement windows.

It was proposed and supported that the trustees should see to it that this work was done.
Proposed and supported to apply to the youths’ club to ask if they would help to pay for this work.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

8 December 1924

St. Pauli congregation held its annual meeting in the church on Dec. 8, 1924.

The meeting was opened by Pastor Grimsrud with hymn song and prayer. Then the report of the secretary was read and accepted. Thereafter the report of the treasurer was read and accepted.

Then the following officials were elected:
As secretary O. J. Snetting one year
As treasurer T. Stene one year
As trustee Ed Vigen three years
As lignings committee the following were elected: Ole Pederson, Kornelius Oien, Joe Torstveit
As sexton the same as before Joe Torstveit
As school committee the same as before, namely: Ole Odegaard, Ole Valsvig and Nils Nelson.

Thereafter a committee of three men was elected to collect to the different accounts, namely Ole Pederson, Emil Thune, Helge Helgeson.

Then was proposed and supported that Martin Knutson was free from paying his share in the pastor’s salary as long as he is away. And that Mrs. Austad was free from paying her share the next year. And that Martin Helgeson and family had their share reduced by half.
Regarding that the following members of the congregation have not paid towards the pastor’s salary for three years, namely Peter Nelson, Oscar Seeland, Tollef Erickson and Hans Fredrikson. It was decided as follows: they pay the same part of the pastor’s salary as before for the coming year. What they owe is cancelled; but if they do not pay in the following year, they will be regarded as removed from the list of members.

Then was proposed and supported to allow $375.00 for the expenses of the congregation.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

14 December 1925

St. Pauli congregation held its annual meeting in the church on Dec. 14, 1925.

The meeting was opened by Pastor Grimsrud with hymn song and prayer.

Then he informed that there had been held services as before and that the Ladies Aid had had a good year, and that the youth’s club had held more meetings this year than before.

After this the report of the secretary was read and accepted. Then the report of the treasurer was read and accepted. Then the following officials were elected: As Secretary O. J. Snetting one year; as treasurer T. Stene one year; as treasurer Martin Helgeson three years. As sexton Joe Torstveit.

It was proposed and supported that the salary of the sexton was raised from sixteen dollars a year to twenty-five dollars a year. As lignings committee the same as before, namely Ole Pederson, Joe Torstveit and Kornelius Oien.

As school committee the following were elected: Ole Odegaard, Ole Valsvig and Nils Nelson. Then Ole Pederson, Emil Thune and Helge Helgeson volunteered to collect to the different accounts.

The chairman Pastor Grimsrud expressed his wish that the congregation should express its gratitude to the Ladies Aid and the youths’ club for loyal work to take care of having the debt of the church paid.

It was left to the trustees to buy wood for the church.

Then Ole Valsvig, Ed. Vigen, Emil Thune and O. J. Snetting volunteered to clear away the brush by the church.

Proposed and accepted to allow $375.00 for the expenses of the congregation.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

5 April 1926

St. Pauli congregation held a special congregation meeting in the church on April 5th, 1926 to discuss if there should be held services in the English language. It was proposed and supported to hold every third service in the English language. Then it was proposed and supported to apply to the youths’ club if they wanted to buy English hymn books to use at the English services.

After which the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

14 June 1926

There was held a special congregation meeting in the church on June 14 1926. The meeting was opened by the chairman Pastor Grimsrud with reading from the Bible and prayer.

Thereafter Martin Mathson informed about the reason for this meeting, namely to discuss what should be done to the church.

Then it was proposed and supported that Helmer Finstad with wife and 4 children were admitted as members of the congregation.

It was proposed and supported to strengthen [literally "grace"] the church with three iron bars on the west side and two on the east side, and three on the inside of the basement and two on the inside of the church if it is necessary. Proposed and supported to repair the church on the inside with a steel ceiling and paint the inside and outside and put handrails on the entrance stairs.

Proposed and supported to leave it to the trustees to hire a carpenter to superintend this work and to borrow money to perform this work.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

25 July 1926

St. Pauli congregation held a special congregation meeting in the church on July 25 1926.

The meeting was opened by Pastor Grimsrud with hymn song and reading from the Bible. Thereafter it was proposed and supported to accept Pastor Grimsrud’s resignation. It was proposed and supported to accept the resignation for two months instead of for three.

Proposed and supported to elect a committee of three men to appoint a pastor again.
Namely: Joe Torstveit, Lars Lokken, O. J. Snetting.

Then Iver Iversen was elected to be grave keeper and Tobias Stene elected to be chairman until we have a pastor again.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

O. J. Snetting, Secr.

13 December 1926

St. Pauli congregation held its annual meeting in the church on Dec 13th, 1926.

The meeting was opened by the chairman Pastor Jacobson with reading from the Bible and prayer. Then was read the report of the secretary and accepted as read. The report of the treasurer was read and accepted as read.

The following officials were elected.
Ole Pederson trustee 3 years
Olaf Snetting Secr. 1 year
Tobias Stene treasurer 1 year
Nils Nelson sexton 1 year

The school committee as before, namely Ole Odegaard, Ole Valsvig, Nils Nelson
Lignings Committee Martin Mathson, Helmer Finstad, Ole Pederson

Thereafter a committee of three men was elected to collect to the congregation funds, namely: Otto Netteland, Helge Helgeson, Emil Thune.

It was proposed and supported to invite the district to hold its district meeting in the church once in April or May, and to have the church consecrated at the same time.

Proposed and supported to make use of the envelope system to demand the payment of the pastor’s salary.

Proposed and supported to allow $375.00 for the expenses of the congregation.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

14 April 1927

A special congregation meeting was held in the church on April 14 1927. Ole Pederson was elected to be temporary chairman.

There was elected a delegate to the district meeting that was held in Thief River Falls in June, namely Ole Valsvig and Ole Pederson as substitute.

Ed Vigen informed about the purpose of this meeting, namely to raise the pastor’s salary for the whole parish from $1,240.00 to $1,500.00 per year. That would mean $65.00 per congregation.

Proposed and supported that St. Pauli raises the pastor’s salary the $65.00 in case the other congregations in the parish raise their pastor’s salary with a similar sum.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

9 October 1927

A special congregational meeting was held on Oct 9th, 1927.

Pastor Jacobson informed about the purpose of this meeting. Namely to elect two delegates to the district meeting in Bethania congregation in Pastor Ranum’s district which will be held October 26 and 27 1927.

And to elect a new member of the parish committee instead of Lars Lokken, deceased.
The following was elected - Emil Thune - to the parish committee.

Ed Vigen and Ole Pederson were elected to be delegates at the district meeting.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

14 December 1927

St. Pauli congregation held its annual meeting in the church on Dec 14th. 1927.

The meeting was opened by Pastor Jacobson with reading from the Bible and prayer. Thereafter Pastor Jacobson reported that he had held nine English, one hundred and twenty-one Norwegian and seven Norwegian-English services, three funerals, two communion services, eight baptisms and twenty-two meetings with confirmation classes.

Pastor Jacobson expressed his gratitude to the congregation for having paid the pastor’s salary on time. Proposed and supported that the gift of twenty-five dollars from Mrs. John Magnuson would be used for the basement. Accepted.

Thereafter the report of the secretary was read and accepted as read. And the report of the treasurer was read and accepted. The following officials were elected: O. J. Snetting Secretary 1 year; Tobias Stene treasurer 1 year; Emil Thune trustee 3 years.
Lignings committee: Ole Pederson, Helmer Finstad, Ed Vigen.

A committee of three men was elected to collect for the congregation funds namely, Joe Torstveit, Carl Alberg, Hjalmar Valsvig.

School committee Ole Odegaard, Ole Valsvig, Nils Nelson.

Sexton, Nils Nelson.

28 May 1928

A special Congregational meeting was held in the Church on May 28, 1928.

Pastor Dahle informed that the purpose of this meeting was to elect a delegate and a substitute to the common Norwegian Lutheran church meeting that is to be held in Minneapolis from May 31 to June 7, 1928.

It was proposed and supported that the Clearwater and the St. Pauli congregations together elect a delegate. This was accepted. The following were elected: Tobias Stene as delegate and Ole Pederson as substitute.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, secr.

28 October 1928

St. Pauli congregation held a special congregational meeting in the Church on Oct 28, 1928.

Pastor Dahle informed that the purpose of this meeting was to change the annual meeting of the congregation. It was proposed and supported to change the annual meeting of the congregation from the second Monday in December to November 15.


Olaf Snetting, secr.

15 November 1928

St. Pauli congregation held its annual meeting in the Church on November 15, 1928.

The meeting was opened by chairman Pastor Dahle with reading from the Bible and prayer.

Pastor Dahle said that he did not have much to report as he had not served the congregation more than 6 months but that he had worked to his heart’s delight, and that he had held divine services every second week and had meetings with the confirmation class once a week.

The report of the secretary was read and accepted as it was read. The report of the treasurer was read and accepted. The following officials were elected:
Secr. O. J. Snetting 1 year;
Treasurer Tobias Stene 1 year;
Trustee Helmer Finstad 3 years.
Assessment committee: Ole Pederson, Helmer Finstad, Ed Vigen
To collect for the congregational funds: Joe Torstveit, Carl Alberg, Hjalmar Valsvig.
School committee: Ole Odegaard, Ole Valsvig, Nels Nelson.
Sexton: Nels Nelson

Then it was proposed and supported that the women should be accepted as voting members of the congregation. Accepted. Proposed and supported to turn to the women’s club and the youth club to see if they would pay a certain sum of their annual income towards the expenses of the congregation. This was accepted.

It was decided that the gift of $5.00 from Mrs. Magnuson shall be used for a communion set.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, Secr.

28 April 1929

There was held a special congregation meeting in the Church on April 28, 1929.

Pastor Dahle informed about the purpose of this meeting, namely to elect two delegates to the district meeting that is to be held in Viking on May 29 and 30, 1929.

The following delegates were elected: Ole Pederson and Tobias Stene.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

Olaf Snetting, secr.

15 November 1929

St. Pauli congregation held its annual meeting in the Church on Nov 15, 1929.

The meeting was opened with reading from the Bible by Ole Valsvig and prayer by Pastor Dahle. The report of the secretary was read and accepted as it was read. It was proposed and supported that the women are accepted as voting members of the congregation. Accepted. The report of the treasurer was read and accepted as it was read.

Pastor Dahle reported that during the year he had held 22 divine services in the congregation, twelve in the Norwegian language and ten in the English, and that he had baptized 6 children and confirmed a confirmation class on June 30.

The following officials were elected:
Secr. O. J. Snetting 1 year;
Treasurer Tobias Stene 1 year;
Trustee Ole Pederson 3 years.
School committee: Mrs. Martin Mathson, Mrs. Nels Nelson, O. J. Snetting
Sexton: Nels Nelson
Assessment committee: Ole Pederson, Helmer Finstad, Ed Vigen

It was proposed and supported to pay the treasurer $10.00 a year for his work. Accepted.

Proposed and supported to collect for the congregation funds by offering. Accepted.

Proposed and supported that Pastor Dahle shall purchase the altar wine. Accepted.

On proposal the meeting was ended.

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